Prepare For Your Trip

What to Bring

Once you have decided upon a school, it’s time to start planning what you’ll bring. But how do you plan for an entire year to fit in a suitcase? Don’t worry — it’s possible!


You will get to experience all four seasons in Illinois and the clothing you’ll need will vary depending on the season. Here are a few general tips.

SPRING – March, April, May:

The average temperature in the spring can range from the 40s to mid-60s, depending on the month you roll-up.

SUMMER – June, July, August:

The average temperature in summer ranges between 80 -95 degrees Fahrenheit and the warmest month is July, which can be wet with occasional outbursts of rain, and at night you can often hear thunder and lightning.

FALL – September, October, and November:

In October, the temperature ranges between 44-65 degrees Fahrenheit, and it is lower in November. You don’t want to be caught off-guard by the weather.

WINTER – December, January, February, and March:

The temperature of Chicago at this time ranges between 24 degrees Fahrenheit to 35 degrees Fahrenheit.